Improving Hygiene and Sanitation for Marginalized Persons with Disabilities in Luwero District

Disability Bridge Uganda is proud to announce the launch of a new initiative aimed at enhancing the quality of life for marginalized persons living with disabilities in Katikamu North County, Luwero District. The project, titled "Improving Hygiene and Sanitation of the Marginalized Persons Living with Disability," is dedicated to providing essential resources and services to improve daily hygiene and sanitation for those in need.

Project Overview:

The project is designed with a comprehensive approach to address the basic hygiene needs of disabled individuals in the community. With a total budget of $20,182.26, the project will allocate funds to various critical areas to ensure a significant impact on the beneficiaries' lives.

Budget Allocation:

Capacity Building: $1,000 will be invested in training and empowering individuals to maintain and promote good hygiene practices.

Sleeping Mattresses: High-quality mattresses will be provided at $69.45 each for 124 people, amounting to $8,611.80, ensuring a comfortable and hygienic sleeping environment.

Blankets: Warm blankets priced at $27.78 each will be distributed to 124 individuals, totaling $3,444.72, to offer comfort during colder nights.

Mosquito Nets:To combat malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases, nets will be provided at $2.78 each for 124 people, totaling $344.72.

Laundry Soap: Essential for maintaining cleanliness, laundry soap will be supplied at $14.72 each for 124 people, totaling $1,826.52.

Sanitary Pads for Women/Girls: Addressing the menstrual hygiene needs, 50 boxes of sanitary pads will be provided at $11.51 each, totaling $575.35.

Motorcycle for Home Visiting Team:A motorcycle costing $1,805.56 will facilitate the mobility of volunteers for home visits.

Fuel: An estimated fuel consumption budget of $160 will cover the project period of one month.

Bicycles for Home Visitors: Two bicycles at $125 each, totaling $250, will enable volunteers to reach nearby villages.

Volunteers Home Visiting Refreshment: A budget of $1,000 will cater to the refreshment needs of four volunteers.

Brochures: Informational brochures will be produced at a total cost of $100 to raise awareness.

Transporting Materials: A budget of $277.78 is allocated for the transportation of materials.

Call to Action:

We invite donors and supporters to join us in this noble cause. Your contributions will directly impact the lives of disabled individuals, providing them with the dignity and care they deserve. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of marginalized persons living with disabilities in Luwero District.


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